TB of TBConsults had the honor of working with Irene through one on one coaching. Irene was already successful in her career, so we set out to refine some of her business practices.  Since she is ‘commission only’, she wanted a system that would help her clearly explain the value she brought to her customers.  In turn, she wanted to become very comfortable talking about her commission rate based on that value. Here are the results.

“You always gave more than expected.  You helped me expand my abilities and opened me to more possibilities.  I was able to recognize a 12% increase in my annual revenue because of our coaching sessions.  That represents almost $18,000!  Thank you for your enthusiasm, your wisdom and your direction.  I am forever grateful for all of that.”  Irene

In sales, prospecting and building relationships is the foundation to success, no matter what the business or the product being sold.  One critical prospecting technique is to contact people in a salesperson’s sphere of influence.  However, most training does not teach salespeople how to get out of their own way to make those calls.  Then, once someone is ready to make the calls, most aren’t taught what to say.  TBConsults was asked to create a course that taught just that.   One student was not making any phone calls to her sphere of influence, none.  She now is making calls because:

"I don’t have to always ‘sell’ everyone I talk to.  It is important that they know they are in my thoughts and that I care about them."   - Pat

Here is what one other student had to say.

Thanks for the class today!  What a relief from the ever present guilt of not contacting my favorite people!  You can benefit so many by what you teach.  If you think about the impact you can make on each salesperson that you touch, and the following impact that each one of them can make on their clients …. WOW!  That pebble in the pond grows exponentially!  You totally rock!!   - Gina

During a 3 hour training session, the topic of pricing a product to sell was heavily covered.  The pricing topics included educating the seller and engaging them in determining the appropriate price.  Out of 39 products studied, 22 were not priced accordingly in order to garnish a sale.  The attendees were taught how to help the sellers move to a much more conducive sales prices.  Then, they were chartered with a challenge.  The attendees had 30 days to get their sellers to reconsider their price point.  22 of the 39 moved to an appropriate price within the 30 days, and within 90 days, 9 out of the 22 were sold.

A real estate organization asked TBConsults to create a training program that would help agents increase their level of activity and therefore, their production.  A 6 week training course was created and the program is now fondly referred to as Extreme Agent Makeover.  Thirty two agents signed up and attended the classes.

Here are the staggering statistical results from that 6 week program.  Prospecting calls increased 200% and contracts signed increased by 152%.  Now, let’s hear what some of the agents had to say personally about their experience.

"I doubled my listing inventory and picked up 8 active buyer prospects." 
- Theresa

"Extremely beneficial!  Helped me really focus on the "important stuff" both for business and personal life." -  Winnie

"It was fabulous.   What I found the most beneficial were the 75 Makeover Moments." - Terri

"This was definitely money and time well spent." - Brad

As for the real estate company that hired TBConsults, it was so pleased with the results, that we were asked to present it again so that another group of agents can participate!

TBConsults was commissioned to write, produce and present a class for salespeople to help buyers buy.  With the idea that there are plenty of buyers, the course presented techniques, scripts and dialog that could be used to help buyers ‘get off the fence”.  Here is one of the attendee’s success stories that evolved within 26 days of her attending the class.  She had been working with 3 buyers, one for two months, one for three months and one for five weeks.  Within days of taking the class, she put all 3 buyers under contract.  And one of the buyers became a seller too.  Inside 1 month, she put $804,000 of sales production on account representing over $30,000 in commissions! 

"Thanks so much for your class on Wednesday.  Everything you said worked.  I got them off the fence.  Theresa, thanks for being such a great example and excellent teacher.  I look forward to more classes with you." - Patti

TB of TBConsults led a goal setting training session followed by a 90 day Mastermind Group program.  The group met weekly to share their progress of obtaining their goal and to network and support each other in doing so.  There were 17 participants and outstanding results.  Here is one success story that demonstrates the power of goal setting and accountability.

Judy’s goal was to spend 2 nights and 3 days in a penthouse condominium on the beach in Rocky Point, Mexico with John, her husband.  She wanted to pay cash for the entire trip, so part of her goal was to set aside the money to be able to do that.  Judy accomplished her goal, spent the time exactly how she wanted to on the beach, had cash left over and booked her next trip to Rocky Point before she even got back to the United States.

But that is only part of it.  Judy came away with a different mindset, one that fostered so much more than achieving just one goal.  Judy runs two businesses.  She experienced increased business in both of them while being able to take time off and go on a short vacation.  She is generating new business ideas and is so energized that the last time a group of us got together, I heard someone say they just wanted to be around her so that her enthusiasm would rub off on him!  Here are Judy’s comments.

"What helped me achieve my goal was having it in writing and understanding why I was going for it, my WIIFM.  Then having the action plan in writing and having to report my progress to the Mastermind Group.  But this is just the beginning.  I plan to use this method for several more goals!  Theresa always makes everything seem so simple and natural.  If I follow what she has taught me, this will be simple and natural for me too."       Judy

TB of TBConsults presented a 2-day course on selling to the luxury home market.  This course enables Realtors© to receive a special service designation to that clientele.  The material covers demographics, buying patterns and habits and how to market oneself taking all of this into consideration.  Theresa is the only certified instructor residing and teaching in Tucson, Arizona.

Here is a testimonial from one of the students.

"After the class I’ve been in these last two days, I am READY!  Theresa is a fantastic instructor!  She was very knowledgeable about the subject and her delivery was exceptional.  Kept my attention 100% of the time.  A great “edutainer”!" -  Barbara


FUSE Coaching is exclusive to TBConsults.  It was developed by Theresa to make certain that the focus of coaching remained solely on what is important to the client and that the client can recognize the power of that focus as well. 
TBConsults FUSE Coaching . . .
Helps you…
Focus on what you want,
Understand why you want it
See how to get it
Then …
Encourages you to achieve it!

Here are the comments TB received in an email from one of her coaching clients.

"I feel like I am once again starting to live my dreams.   The volunteering is a piece of my being in balance, but there is so much more. Like the budget sheet, and reading, travel, being with family & friends, good health, yoga, meditation,  walking.  I have put all of these back in place and in perspective. And as you know, next on my list is having systems.  Thank you."      Dale

“I got the contract!  I would not have chased this dream if you did not come into my life and help me believe that I can do anything as long as I believe in myself.  Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.  May you continue to inspire many more people.”  - Melissa

 “I had a successful appointment today.  Spent several hours practicing what we went over.  It was a huge help and it worked out great!  The clients are now priced exactly where they should be!”  - Tom

“I am getting ready for my open house today and wanted to thank you … Because of you I actually look forward to doing them.  What a transformation!  As I talk with clients and prospects, review and work my business plan, talk about my goals with others and even plan my day, I keep in mind what you have taught me.  The time you spent coaching me has made such an important difference in my business.  I am so excited!  Thank you.”  - Lisa

“Thank you doesn’t begin to express my appreciation for all that you have done for me.  Your ability to understand me and how I want to approach my business was invigorating.  It was the first time someone wasn’t preaching ‘the formula’.  You helped me make it work for my life, my family.  You are a gifted teacher and mentor.”  - Mary Pat

“Thanks for all your encouraging words.  I have taken the first step!  The room is booked and the process is underway.  I’ll keep you posted.  2008 is going to be great!”  - Lonnie

Keynote Speaking and Training Testimonials

“Thanks again for the awesome session yesterday.  I always learn so much from your classes, and really appreciate both your knowledge, and your captivating and entertaining way of presenting information.  Most of what you say rings true to my bones with what I believe.  I think you are an extremely gifted teacher.”  - Casey

 “Thanks for another thought provoking training class this morning.  I always get a lot out of your classes.  …I’m a serious student and expect a lot out of instructors.  You consistently deliver.”  - Julie

“I just wanted to thank you for the time you took to speak with me after your class yesterday.  I hope you can tell, I always enjoy your classes tremendously – your enthusiasm, energy and insights.”  - Edwin

“You always are up, dynamic and on task.  You gave me a system that is user friendly and quick!  Thank you.”  - Anonymous

“You WOWed us today!  Thank you.”  - Rene

"I believe you are one of the most positive people I have ever met!!  I’m glad I took the class and had the opportunity to meet you.  Thank you for the class, your wisdom and your positive shoulder.  You’re great!"  -   Mimi

"I have to tell you what I told my husband about you.  Throughout my 12 years of basic schooling, 4 years earning my Bachelor’s, 3 years earning my Master’s, and the extensive list of the real estate classes I have taken, you are hands down the most talented and inspiring teacher I have ever experienced.  You have a gift…the gift to inspire others to believe so deeply in themselves that they clearly understand there are no limitations." - Gina

Phone/Fax: 520-290-6229  Cell: 520-631-4537
120 S. Houghton #138-128 • Tucson, AZ 85748 TheresaB@TBConsults.com

Copyright 2008. All Rights Reserved. TBConsults LLC.